
English for Legal Professional [Ebook; Audio - Career English]

English for Legal Professionals is an ideal short course for anyone who needs to speak about the law in a business environment to clients, business partners, and colleagues.

English for Legal Professionals helps students to speak about the law in a business environment. The course provides students with the language they need to be able to communicate with confidence.

English for Legal Professionals addresses the basic areas of Commercial Law, including company law, employment law, contract law, copyright law, and bankruptcy law.

Every unit places the legal professional in different scenarios, and teaches them how to advise clients on suitable courses of legal action. Authentic documents provide professional vocabulary, and the 'Vocabulary Assistant' offers definitions of legal words and phrases.

Key Features:
- Engaging topics, motivating role-plays, and a variety of exercises provide a framework for each specialist subject
- Tip boxes in each unit include key language points, useful phrases, and strategies
- STARTER section at the beginning of each unit has warm-up and awareness-raising activities
- OUTPUT sections at the end of each unit encourage discussion and reflection
- Answers, transcripts, tests, and a glossary of footballing terms at the back of the book
- Self-study material on the interactive MultiROM includes realistic listening extracts and interactive exercises for extra practice.

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